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Community Outreach Constable 5

Constable Carlos Lopez and his staff assist the citizens and courts of Travis County

Customer Service Hot Line - (512) 854-9714

Outreach Program

The Constable Offices in Texas are designed to work much more closely with their respective communities; our office strives to coalesce with the public. In doing so, our goal is to interact with the community with the utmost courtesy, fairness, and integrity.

Please contact our office at [email protected] for more information about our involvement in all of these programs.

Constable Outreach Program
Within Travis County Precinct 5, we come into contact with the Homeless and Mentally ill daily. The CORP program makes contact and interacts with these individuals to build trust, and to help them meet their individual needs. We endeavor to assist this part of the Community by building and or establishing relationships with the appropriate Social Service agencies. Our goal is getting them plugged into the related care providers such as: APD HOST UNIT, Austin EMS, Foundation Community, Integral Care, Sunrise Community Church, and Travis County West Rural Health and Human Service Department

Community Outreach Request Form
Please provide a minimum of 30 days notice.


Please select your event type:
MAA Presentation Underage Drinking Prevention Other

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