Domestic Violence Resources in Travis County
Where to Get Help
Remember, your computer may be monitored by your abuser. Be safe - call for immediate help, or use a friend's or a public library's computer to access the videos, contact numbers, and web pages listed on our resource page link.
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Since 1989, Constable Precinct 5 has worked alongside others concerned with family violence in Austin including the Austin Police Department, the Center for Battered Women (now SafePlace), the Sheriff’s office and Travis County Judges, Municipal Judges, and the District and County Attorney’s offices.
Over the past 20 years, this group has increased its membership, adding Lifeworks and the Texas Advocacy Project, as well as several counseling groups for offenders. Now the coalition, the public awareness campaigns with Capitol Metro and the Austin Independent School District.
Constable 5 deputies provide support for victims of domestic violence by helping them retrieve their possessions safely during disturbance standbys. They also volunteer with "Men as Allies," a new organization to help men stop domestic violence through education and awareness.
Get Help - Organizations to Contact
Travis County Attorney's Office - (512) 854-9498
A two year protective order and representation in court at no charge if your case is accepted.
Safeplace - (512) 267-SAFE (7233)
SafePlace is located in Austin, with a hotline answered 24 hours a day. Call
them to create a Safety Plan, to get counseling for you or your children, or if
you have left home and your family needs a place to stay. SafePlace also has counseling for rape survivors and provides legal advocacy.
Texas Advocacy Project (previously Women’s Advocacy Project) - 1-800-374-HOPE (4673)
Assistance for victims of teen dating violence through the Teen Justice Initiative.
American Gateways
(previously PAPA - The Political Asylum Project of Austin) - (512) 478-0546
Resource advocacy and legal assistance for immigrant victims of domestic abuse.
Texas Council on Family Violence - (512) 794-1133